Parenting Your Primary School Child

Tips for Parenting Your Primary School Child

Good parenting and child care encompasses many elements, from communicating to teaching and from showing love to keeping the child safe. The trouble is that few parents are actually taught how to be good parents; they simply have to wing it. And their own upbringing is usually a major factor in how they raise their child, whether they want it to be or not.

When all seems to go well, most parents cope and with the resilience that children have, they turn out okay in the end. That is not to say many adults could not have benefited in some way from their parents doing something different when they were young. However, if love is shown to a child, that is one of the main things to ensure they become steady and reliable adults, with much to give to society.

The trouble comes when something goes wrong and the parent does not really think that they need to address the issue. They believe that it is a temporary problem that will resolve itself. Or they may think this is the way their child is and nothing can be done. This is especially true when it comes to education, particularly if their own parents had a laid-back attitude to education.

In fact, getting good grades was not always considered necessary many years ago, because there were a lot of jobs available in trades where education was not considered essential, so long as you could read and write a bit. These days it is different. Good grades in primary school mean a child will get good grades in high school and may even go on to university. This opens up a whole new world with the chance of a good and satisfying career – including excellent remuneration. Without it, poverty level pay is more likely or a lifetime without a job.

If your child is not doing well at primary school you need to find out why and take steps to fix the problem, otherwise their self esteem will suffer to the extent that they will stop trying and become almost illiterate. Some children simply cannot fit into the school curriculum and there are various reasons for this that can’t be fixed – for instance, it might be due to the child’s personality.

Good parents take a bold stand and see that their child is educated by another method. For instance, the Montessori method of teaching is ideal for children who are slow to finish their schoolwork, or whose way of learning means they can never settle down to the somewhat rigid timetables and schedules in public schools.

For a start, the classes are much smaller and the teachers know how to guide each child through an activity so that they get the satisfaction of finishing it which accelerates their desire to learn. Seeing your child blossom academically will be your reward.