Why Health Checks are Essential for Every Woman

Health Checks are Essential for Every Woman

Even though many men are so laid back when it comes to seeing the doctor, so that they often die of some disease they didn’t know was raging through their body, it is actually women who can be at risk of getting more health problems. This is because since they are the ones to bear children, women have more organs that can become diseased.

No man can get cancer of the uterus or have an ectopic pregnancy, after all. But whether this is true or not, all women should have regular health checks for one other important reason. They do tend to keep ignoring signs and symptoms because they are so busy with their families and think it is just tiredness.

Women work longer hours

How many women come home from work, throw the shopping on the table and start to prepare tea, do the laundry and clean the house, all while overseeing the children’s homework and refereeing their quarrels? And how many men come home from work, sit on the lounge and doze off while watching television and waiting for dinner? Or maybe they play computer games instead. So women actually work much longer hours than most men, even if their work is not always as physically demanding.
