What You Didn’t Know About Botox


In 2018, Australians had more cosmetic procedures, such as Botox injections, carried out per capita than the United States. It’s clear to see that Australia is a country of people who care about their appearance and want to do all that they can to maintain it. There is nothing wrong with that, and Botox injections continue to be one of the most popular minor cosmetic procedures available for a number of reasons.

You may know that Botox injections help with self-esteem and non-cosmetic conditions, but here’s what you didn’t know.

Botox is a Neurotoxin

What most people don’t know is that Botox is a neurotoxin from the bacterium known as Clostridium botulinum. Initially, doctors used it to treat eye disorders, but it wasn’t long before they came to realise it was helpful for cosmetic purposes and to help sports injuries as well.

Botox is a Brand Name

When most people talk about cosmetic fillers, they use the name ‘Botox’. However, Botox is a brand name as opposed to a cosmetic procedure. There are several other dermal fillers similar to Botox but with different brand names. It’s the same concept for if you call something “Glad Wrap” when referring to clingfilm. Glad Wrap is a brand but is now a household name for clingfilm.
