Chemical Free Beauty Tips

Chemical Free Beauty Tips

Almost anyone can look more beautiful with the addition of make-up and a trip to a day spa. The only trouble is that by applying cosmetics, you are putting many different types of chemicals into your body and some of them are carcinogenic – linked to causing cancer.  It is far safer and healthier to choose ways to improve your looks that don’t include the use of such substances, but rather, use natural products Here are some tips to do just that and some of them are laughably easy.

  • Soak your nails in olive oil for 5 minutes to add shine. Nail polish and remover are two products that are heavily laden with chemicals that are bad for you.
  • For an easy face mask that is free of chemicals and also antibacterial, warm some raw honey between your fingers and spread it over your face. Leave for 10 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. Tip: Raw honey is not the same as honey you eat.
