What is Cataract Surgery and What Does it Involve?

What is Cataract Surgery

Cataracts are a natural part of the aging process. They occur as a film that forms over the eye’s lens, leading to blurry vision. Cataract surgery is the process by which the blurry, aged lens is removed, and replaced (in most cases) with an artificial lens.

In Australia, cataract surgery is performed by an opthamologist (eye doctor) and is generally a very safe and common procedure. It can be useful to have a basic understanding of the procedure and what it involves in order to prepare before your surgery.

Before the Surgery

It’s essential to prepare properly before your cataract surgery. It is fairly common for an opthamologist to instruct patients not to eat or drink anything for 12 hours prior to the surgery.

On top of this, your doctor may also advise you to stop taking any medication that could cause complications such as bleeding during the surgery. Antibiotic eye drops or medications are sometimes prescribed in advance of the surgery, and it’s important to try and get a good night’s rest before the procedure.

If stress or anxiety tends to prevent you sleeping, it could be worth talking to your doctor about available options to help you relax the night before surgery. Keep in mind that alcohol should not be consumed the day before surgery.

On the day of the surgery, wear casual dress. Don’t wear makeup, perfume, cologne, cosmetics or anything that may interfere with the procedure.
