How Drug Addiction Affects Your Body

How Drug Addiction Affects Your Body

Many people these days suffer from drug addiction. If you or a loved one had become involved with and suffers from substance dependency it is vital to get into drug rehab as soon as possible. Acting quickly will give the addict the best chance of recovery. If you put it off, it can quickly become too late as taking drugs affects and damages the body in many ways. Here are just a few of the ways in which taking drugs can damage your body physically.

  • It weakens the immune system and makes you susceptible to many different types of infection.
  • It causes an abnormal heart rate that can lead to heart attacks.
  • It can cause collapsed veins which leads to infections in the veins, the blood and valves of the heart.
  • Nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain are common.
  • It makes the liver work harder, trying to clear the substance from your body. This can cause liver damage and eventually, liver failure.
  • Drugs can cause seizures and strokes.
  • Worst of all perhaps, is the damage drugs do to the brain. This can alter how you think, it can impact daily life due to memory and attention deficit problems, mental confusion and poor decision making.
  • It makes your appetite swing wildly in either direction, but mostly you will find loss of weight more the normal. This can be life-threatening if it goes on for too long.


How to Reduce the Risk of Decay in Children

Risk of Decay in Children

Modern dental treatment is quite different from that of many years ago. These days the idea is to prevent decay rather than waiting for it to happen and then fixing it, which can often be painful. By taking your children to a dentist early, they can have some of the more modern treatment that works to reduce the risk of decay.

You may think the only thing to reduce the risk of decay is good dental hygiene. While it is true that this certainly helps, it is not the only way to avoid decay.  In fact, it may not even be the best way, given that children don’t like cleaning their teeth and get out of it whenever possible. And they don’t always do it properly anyway. It takes a lot of effort for a parent to oversee cleaning every night when everyone is tired.

New treatments

With new technology, children can have painless treatment that helps to avoid decay completely, at least in their molars. How? Molars are the chewing teeth and the flat surface is indented to ensure food stays there long enough to get properly chewed up. However, some molars have deeper indentations than others, with the result that the food gets jammed into the crevice and is difficult or even impossible to get out.


Symptoms of Teenage Depression

Teen Depression

Teenage depression seems to be much more common these days than it was years ago. Today’s teenager is under a great deal more pressure. Not only are they expected by their parents and teachers to perform well academically, they are also expected to be good at sports, drama and many other things. Added to that, they want to be accepted by their peers and often, acceptance is not about getting good grades but actually often the very opposite.

Add their raging hormones to the mix and it is no wonder that many teens start to feel depressed. However, a person can feel depressed without actually having clinical depression or needing treatment. It is when depression starts to interfere with their everyday life that treatment should be sought. What are the symptoms of teenage depression?


Are S4 Drug Alternatives any Better than Botox?

S4 Drug

Dysport and Xeomin are the only S4 drug alternatives to Botox at the moment. Both use the same product as a Botox procedure, botulinum type A; are considered safe by experts and work in the same way. However, there is one difference that stands out in Xeomin and that is you don’t have to keep it refrigerated. This has to be a good thing, especially if your area suffers a lot of blackouts.

If your clinic refrigerator breaks down or the power goes off and you’ve just received a big order of Botox or Dysport it will all go bad and have to be thrown out. This will be a very costly problem. But if you had gone over to the competition and ordered Xeomin, it wouldn’t worry you to lose power – at least, not for that reason.

In fact, the fact that Xeomin does not need refrigeration is good news for the general public as well. It would save them from the less reputable clinics that might be likely to still use the Botox on hand even though it has been out of refrigeration for some hours – or days. The thought of being injected with a poisonous substance that has gone bad is enough to make anyone shudder.


7 Health Benefits of an Alfresco Haven

Benefits of an Alfresco

Being outdoors more often is healthier than staying indoors all the time, but when you have an inside job it is difficult to spend enough time outside to reap the benefits of sun on your skin. In addition, it is the trend these days to slather on sunscreen to prevent skin cancer, but as with many trends, this can be overdone and then all the bad effects of not enough sun can be felt – but not always recognised for what they are.

To get outside more often, why not create a special place outdoors in the garden complete with comfortable outdoor lounge furniture? This will give everyone in the family a place to relax, play, eat and generally get more fresh air and sunshine. There are many health benefits of an alfresco haven.

  • The action of sun on the skin creates Vitamin D in the body. Having plenty of this vitamin means that your body can absorb calcium better, so you’ll have stronger bones and teeth. This is important for everyone, but particularly for children whose bodies are still growing and need the maximum amount of these two important building blocks.
  • Being outside more helps you to sleep better. Sleep is the time when the body is resting, recovering and for children, growing. Good quality sleep enables you to cope with many things – including stress – that would tend to drive you crazy if you were tired all the time.


Exercise Can Be Fun – And Here’s How

Exercise Can Be Fun

Most people will raise an eyebrow when you use the words ‘exercise’ and ‘fun’ in the same sentence. Exercise can be fun; you just need to be smart with your choices, opting for group fitness sessions as opposed to going the process alone. What’s more, the type of group fitness you choose makes a difference. What if you could dance, get fit, and have fun? It’s entirely possible with Sh’Bam. Here’s what you’re missing out on with this revolutionary exercise class.

A Social Environment

A Sh’Bam group fitness class is a fun and social environment. You get to meet new people, join a high-energy fun exercise environment, or even make new friends. Once you select a timetable session that works for you, you can then join like-minded people in a medium intensity exercise session that requires no equipment.

The Music Is Uplifting

As most people will know, it can be a challenge to not only exercise on your own, but do so with either no music or slow tempo music. When you join a Sh’Bam class, the music is uplifting, fun, and refreshing. You can then get into the mood, work out, dance, and get fit without ever thinking it’s a boring or hard form of exercise. All music consists of popular dance hits, Latin beats, remixed classics, and more. You are bound to find yourself humming away as you get in the best shape of your life.


14 Ways to Keep Fit Mentally

Keep Fit Mentally

Much is said about the benefits to our health of keeping fit physically, but less information is found about keeping our brains active and healthy. It is really just as important to give our brains some exercise as it is to keep on exercising our body. Exercising the brain prevents it from deteriorating as we age, although some people get dementia or Alzheimer’s well before they can be considered old.

Experts tell us that any activity around thinking and learning are good for the brain and help to protect against dementia. And the more complex that activity is and the more it challenges us, the better it is. Frequency is also important. Doing one exercise a month is useless, but doing them every day or two will stimulate the brain well. So how do you exercise your brain?

Choose a variety of activities, but if you have never done any before and they seem hard, choose easy ones and work your way up. You could –

  • Start a new hobby.
  • Take a course to learn a new skill such as a language or how to play an instrument.
  • Get someone to show you something such as how to work a computer or cook a new recipe.
  • Read different types of literature.
  • Do different kinds of puzzles such as crosswords, Sudoku and even jigsaw puzzles.
  • Play cards or board games.
  • Go to the theatre or a museum regularly.


Why Eating Disorders Are a Mental Health Issue

Eating Disorders

There are several types of eating disorders; anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. You might think that they are a physical problem, since they cause a sufferer to look so thin, but in reality they are a mental health issue. This is because it is the sufferer’s mind or mental state that causes the perception that their body image is ugly and they are too fat, when they are not.

They then obey the mental urge to get rid of the food they just ate, or to exercise to the point of exhaustion so the calories burn off. Or in the case of binge eating without vomiting, they go on a session of binge eating and gain even more weight. Then the vicious cycle of guilt and eating goes on and on.

They cannot stop it or control it because of the changes to their brain that occur due to the mental aspect of the disease. They become totally preoccupied with thinking about their weight and shape of their body. One of the problems with eating disorders is that they don’t have a single cause that can be identified and removed. There are many varying causes, but just because a person experiences them doesn’t mean to say they will get the disease. So it also depends on a person’s personality as to whether they get the disorder.


How Keeping Fit Makes You Healthier

Keeping Fit

Keeping fit is an important part of your overall health and the only way to do this is to have a reasonable amount of exercise.  When you move around it not only tones your muscles and ligaments to prevent them from becoming weak and unable to support your body properly, it also removes toxins and waste through perspiration. Plus, it increases the amount of ‘feel good’ endorphin’s in your brain so it is good for your mental/emotional health as well.

While it is difficult to fit in an exercise regime when you lead a busy life, in many cases very little exercise is needed, depending on the lifestyle you lead. If you play a sport, go hiking or dancing or even take your toddlers to the park on a regular basis, that all counts as exercise. If you have a job such as house or window cleaning that has you moving around, that too, is exercise.

According to many experts, walking is the best exercise because it makes every part of your body move and it does not jar your joints and wear them out. Brisk walking elevates your heart rate and so is  a gentle cardio workout. It is easy to do and you don’t need to pay a fortune for a gym membership or a professional trainer.


Are You Eating Well?

Eating Well

Most people would consider the benefit of eating well easy to point out; that of better health. Yet it is not that simple. You can eat healthy food but still be obese and that is certainly not healthy. So eating well is not only about what you eat but how much. Even then it can be about what suits your digestive system and even your lifestyle.

For instance, people who lead a very busy life may eat too quickly in an attempt to get more done. This can prevent good digestion so that all those healthy vitamins consumed are not being properly used. So to eat well, you must –

  • Choose a diet that is both nutritious and suitable for you. This should include plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit, some meat and a small amount of other things that we love but are not really ‘good’ for us. This may surprise you, but the social/emotional benefits are important too. If you deny yourself something you really love you won’t be a happy person. Having that coffee and snack with friends can more than make up for the sugar/caffeine intake if it provides you with a healthy social life. That said, a fruit snack that you truly enjoy would be even better. Think moderation in all things.


Tips to Get Strong Healthy Hair

Strong Healthy Hair

Every women – and these days, many men – pursue healthy hair in a way that was once thought to be only for film stars. Healthy hair looks good and that is why we like it, but many people don’t realise that hair remains healthy not so much because of what we put on it but what we feed it from the inside.

If you deny your body the right nutrients, such as through poor eating habits or months of dieting, your hair will suffer because your body will use all the nutrients available to nourish your vital organs rather than your hair. The trouble is that fixing the problem of unhealthy hair often takes a lot longer than it does for healthy hair to become unhealthy. But some TLC can always improve the look and feel of your hair until it becomes healthy from the inside out.

Other conditions that affect the health of your hair are: –

  • Chronic illness
  • Severe emotional shock – this can actually make your hair fall out months after the event.
  • Undiagnosed food intolerances or allergies
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Decrease in gut function where the body cannot absorb the nutrition it gets
  • Stress
  • Poor hair care such as swimming a lot and not replacing lost oils and moisture


Why Health Checks are Essential for Every Woman

Health Checks are Essential for Every Woman

Even though many men are so laid back when it comes to seeing the doctor, so that they often die of some disease they didn’t know was raging through their body, it is actually women who can be at risk of getting more health problems. This is because since they are the ones to bear children, women have more organs that can become diseased.

No man can get cancer of the uterus or have an ectopic pregnancy, after all. But whether this is true or not, all women should have regular health checks for one other important reason. They do tend to keep ignoring signs and symptoms because they are so busy with their families and think it is just tiredness.

Women work longer hours

How many women come home from work, throw the shopping on the table and start to prepare tea, do the laundry and clean the house, all while overseeing the children’s homework and refereeing their quarrels? And how many men come home from work, sit on the lounge and doze off while watching television and waiting for dinner? Or maybe they play computer games instead. So women actually work much longer hours than most men, even if their work is not always as physically demanding.


Why Cooking Workshops are Brilliant

Cooking Workshops

Many years ago almost every girl took basic cooking lessons in high school, then the curriculum changed and other subjects were available. Cooking was no longer the basic stuff of everyday nutrition with meat-and-potatoes meals. If you took the course you would learn to cook exotic meals from overseas. Many girls chose other courses, which meant that more than one generation of women didn’t really learn how to cook.

Meanwhile, lifestyles and tastes changed and nowadays a ‘meal’ is often something bought in from a fast food place and eaten in front of the television. In fact, some homes don’t even have a dining table. All they have is a row of barstools in the kitchen from which to eat a hasty breakfast and other meals are eaten at work or a restaurant. So anyone who wants to learn to cook, whether at home or for a Perth Restaurant, is hard put to find out how.

Of course, there are numerous cooking shows on TV, but they don’t really show all the hard work and time that goes into making the marvellous dish that looks so enticing. They don’t mention it may not look so perfect when attempted by a beginner. Besides, it is difficult to remember every step when you start to follow what was shown – and the show is now over, so you have to guess. Guessing is not so good for the taste of the dish.


What Makes a Recipe Easy?

What Makes a Recipe Easy?

A recipe that is complicated is something that most people try to avoid, especially if they don’t like cooking, or are time poor.  And people who have never learned to cook but just picked it up over time often find that they don’t like all the fuss and bother of finding those extra ingredients in the supermarket, not to mention paying for them at the checkout. Whatever reason you may have for looking up easy recipes, first you have to decide what exactly it is that makes a recipe easy?

Method counts

It is not always the number of ingredients, but also the method that can make a recipe difficult to make. If you have to cook or one or two out of several ingredients separately, this is going to add more time and effort to make the thing, whatever it is. Or if you have to stir some part of it on the stove very slowly so that it does something – or doesn’t do it – such as turning brown, then this too, adds to the aggravation factor.

Common ingredients = no shopping needed

So if you can find a recipe with fewer ingredients all of which you are sure to have in the pantry – so no special shopping trip needed; and if the method of cooking is just basically mix it all up and put it in the pan, then you’ll be a very happy cook. If that is you, here is a recipe for a cake you may be interested in. It has only four ingredients that can all be tossed into a dish, mixed up and then transferred to the cake pan.
