What to do About Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

It is all too common today for women to become victims of domestic violence. The trouble is that they are often reluctant to seek help because that would mean revealing what they consider to be their own weakness and fault. This is because the very nature of such violence is directed at dominating them and making them feel that it is all their fault.

They feel ashamed to think they are the kind of person who has made their spouse abuse them. This is entirely wrong of course. None of it is their fault. And the only way to be safe is to get out of the relationship and stay out. To avoid the need for criminal lawyers, once you make the break, never go back because that just makes it more difficult to escape the second time. Your life could be in danger, not to mention the lives of your children.

So what’s the first thing to do if you are a victim of domestic violence in the form of physical abuse?

  • Seek support from family and friends. This can be difficult because part of such abuse lies in alienating you from them.
  • Call 000 and report the abuse the next time it happens. Get medical attention and have photos taken of your injuries.
